We have several opportunities for you to grow outside of the sanctuary for authentic Community through Sunday School Classes & Small Groups.
Every Sunday at 10:00AM
Classes for every age! Choose your group by age or topic. Our classes have a biblically-based curriculum and offer teacher-led instruction and encourage group interaction/discussion. Age divisions are suggested but definitely not limited to these age groups!
You can choose a class and move any time to meet your education needs!
Common Ground: Young Adults (post H.S. - 30's)
The Young & the Rest of Us (post-college – 50’s singles & couples)
Agape: Adults (30’s-50’s)
Word Seekers: Adults (40’s-60’s)
New Life: Adults (30’s-60’s)
Growing Christians: Middle/Senior Adults
Curriculum choice: Wesley Quarterly Studies
Maranatha: Adults
Good Will: Senior Adults
Willing Workers: Senior Adults
Middle School & Senior High School Classes
“Li’l K” Preschool: ages 3 yrs – 5 yrs.
“Kidz”: Ages 6 – 12 yrs (through 6th grade)
Special Needs Children
Nursery – Infants through Age 3
*All of our children’s department teachers are background checked for your peace of mind.
The Children’s Ministry has a Check-In and Check-Out System to further enhance the safety and accountability for your child’s care.
Nursery has a Check-In and Check-Out system, an Identification system to keep your child’s belongings (diaper bags, etc) all together for you to collect after church, and a Pager system to alert you if you are needed to return to the Nursery for an emergency.
Small groups form to meet at times convenient for them to gain additional Christian fellowship and Christian-focused study through the week. Couples, Singles, Youth, Marrieds, with children or without - there are Small Groups for everyone to nurture the Christ-like life!
To find a group or to form a new one, please fill out the form below.
If you have any questions, contact us at info@heritagewch.com
Thank you for your interest in joining a small group. Please complete the form below. Some fields are optional,
though the more information you provide, the quicker we can find a group in which you can connect and continue to grow spiritually.